
Professional House Builders for Property Developers

The preferred house builder of choice for Developers who need certainty of outcome.

The preferred house builder of choice for Developers who need certainty of outcome.

City Homes is the house builder most preferred by developers because as RICS chartered planning and development experts, we know exactly the constraints you’re working within.

We understand that for a deal stack your numbers need to be bang-on accurate. We know that If your 20% profit margin in diminished, your development funding, and the deal, could be at risk.

We get it, we know how development deals work and know exactly where the risks you face lie, and we are here to help you as your professional, trusted house builders of choice

Kulveer singh Sanghera opi Dhillon
Kulveer singh Sanghera opi Dhillon

Why City Homes are the preferred house builders of choice for property developers:

• We cost jobs accurately from day one, allowing you to stack up deals with confidence

• We work at speed with abundant manpower, giving you the confidence that delays won’t bite into your profit margin

• We complete builds on time without over runs, giving you certainty of outcome to exit the deal as planned

Relax, we got this

Let's talk

Relax, we got this

Let's talk

City Homes London, part of City Lofts Londonwide Limited Registered company number 11454709 VAT registration number 299773521. Telephone number: 020 8898 8299